Repair and Restoration
Every rug is a unique piece of art. We employ expert conservators and highly qualified weavers with in-depth knowledge of colors, textures, and composition to handle your rug. Our team is qualified to handle fine antique carpets as well as hand-knotted rugs, kilims and tapestries.
Our goal is to restore a carpet to sound condition while preserving the intrinsic character of a fine work of art. Over time, a rug needs special care to preserve its beauty for generations. Colors mellow, and cleaning and repairs may be needed. Insensitive restoration can adversely affect the value of an important piece of art, so we specialize in preserving the value of your investment.
Conservation and restoration are processes that demand a high degree of skill. Our skilled, professional weavers will perform the techniques necessary to restore your rug to its original condition. We repair holes or tears in the edges and body, replace pile where it has worn away, as well as other forms of restoration. This may include backing, re-weaving and supporting areas of worn pile. Our attention to detail and complicated conservation techniques to restore a large piece can take several months. Patience and meticulous methods reflect the exacting standards of our conservators.
Over Casting:
If your fringe is damaged, it will eventually begin the fray at the ends. To avoid pile loss we will over cast, a process that secures the rug. If the sides are worn, we use binding to secure the rug and retain its original beauty.
New tassels can be strung into the rug by hand to replace the missing fringe to its original form. Also, replacement (prefabricated) fringe is an option for you.
When the entire siding of the rug needs repair, the weaver either over-rounds by hand or by sewing a cord with a matching color to the sides. We suggest repairing the rug in the fashion of the way it was originally made.
Re-weaving can be the most costly repair for your rugs. If your Oriental rug is worn or has been damaged, you will need an expert weaver who is experienced in all the different types of knots, and who has an ample supply of wool colors. You might even look at some of the weaver’s current projects to be assured that this most important endeavor is done by the right person
Our weavers first prepare the appropriate yarn to perfect the texture, count, twist, color and origin of your carpet. Next we create a weaving chart to ensure that the design, color and texture perfectly match that of the original. In the end, the repaired area blends seamlessly with the rest of the rug.
If the area in need of repair is too large, we will suggest a patching process, which will be much more cost effective. Through patching, we can match the design and color of the missing area to the rest of the carpet.
Color Restoration:
Exposure to direct sunlight, water and heavy foot traffic can cause color to fade or bleed in even the finest handmade rugs. We are skilled in a complex process of color restoration that will enhance your rug’s overall appearance and guarantee its authentic look.
Blocking & Stretching:
Over time, many carpets begin to lose their original shape. We gently stretch and block the carpet to retain its ideal shape.
Size Reduction:
Our expert weavers can reduce the size of your rug to the length and width you desire.
Rug Support binding / Leather binding:
Rug Support Binding is the process of binding a leather strip under the free edges of the rug in order to provide additional support. This stage of rug repairing provides an additional support that keeps the edges of the rug from curling inwards and re-enforces the rug sides to provide protection against wear and tear.
Preparation for Hanging:
Many rugs make striking wall hangings, and showcasing them as your piece of art is a popular choice for many textiles from silk rugs to tapestries to American Indian weavings. Some fragile pieces that cannot be walked on any longer can also be prepared to hang so that you can continue to enjoy their magic in your home. If you would like to use a decorative rod to hang your rug with, then a sleeve can be sewn along the back of the rug by hand to slide the rod through.
Flying clothes moths do not eat your rugs, but the females do lay hundreds of eggs each, and the eggs hatch into larvae that consume wool, fur, feather, and silk fibers. Moths and their larvae thrive in dark, undisturbed areas where a rug gets little traffic and is not often vacuumed. A bad infestation sometimes leaves a cobweb-like veil in the area of the damage, along with fine, sand-like debris. An infestation often involves more than one rug, and can spread to (or from) woolens or furs hanging in a closet or sweaters stored in a drawer. A rug damaged by moths is not difficult to repair, but reweaving a large area of the rug can be expensive.
Storage Preparation:
When a rug is to be stored for more than a few months it should be cleaned, moth proofed, and wrapped in protective plastic.